How was Arushi murdered?
May 16, 2008(Mon), Aarushi Talwar, 14-year-old daughter of a dentist couple Mr. Rajesh Talwar and Mrs. Nupur Talwar was found dead with her throat slit in the bedroom of her parent’s home at Jalvayu Vihar in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Hemraj, the family’s male servant, a 45-yr-old Nepalese national was suspected to be the murderer as he was found missing from the home. Hemraj was declared as the prime suspect. Noida police announced a reward for information which could track down to Hemraj's capture and arrest. A police party was sent to his hometown in Nepal, in hopes of catching him there.
May 17, 2008(Tues), a post-mortem was carried out on Aarushi's body. A retired Noida police officer along with a relative of the Talwars, visited the Talwars' home to express his sympathy. The Noida police officer detected blood strains on the stairs directing towards the terrace of the apartment. After tracking the blood strain, he found the dead body of Talwar’s domestic help Hemraj on the terrace who was found missing. A messy investigation was carried out, the police arrested Dr. Rajesh Talwar, the father of Arushi, on May 23, 2008, accusing him with having committed the double murder. His wife, Dr. Nupur Talwar, blamed the Noida police of framing Mr. Talwar in a false note, and requested Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati to transfer the case to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
CBI Arguements
The Central Bureau of Investigation took over the double murder case of Aarushi and Hemraj on June 1, 2008. They formed a team of 25-members in an attempt to simplify the case. Almost immediately after the CBI took over the case, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati gave transfer orders to senior police officers who were part of the Special Investigation Team (SIT). Earlier they had been in charge of the investigation, including the Noida Senior Superintendent of Police, Satish Ganesh, and Meerut Inspector General, Gurdarshan Singh. Also, the delegation of CBI officer Arun Kumar, formerly a member of the Uttar Pradesh Police, who was in charge of the investigation also ended in July, 2008.
The unsettled investigation of Arushi Talwar’s murder spread concern nationwide. The Central Bureau of Investigation officials announced a closure of the issue on Dec 29, 2010, Wednesday. While closing the account they highlighted proper confirmation against Arushi’s father Mr. Rajesh Talwar.
CBI reported at the time of closing the file "Rajesh and Nupur (Aarushi's mother) had earlier stated that they used to lock Aarushi's bedroom at night. The door of Aarushi's bedroom had a lock which could be opened from the inside without a key, but once shut, it could not be opened from the outside without a key."
"Aarushi's parents could not explain whether they had closed the door at night and why they could not find the keys in the morning," added by the report.
The CBI stated that there was enough contingent proves against Arushi’s father Mr. Rajesh Talwar.
It also reported that the three male servants working in Talwar’s residence were proved innocent. They adjoined that the servants wouldn’t have the fortitude to gather in the Talwar’s house when they were present inside.
Though earlier the three men were suspected by the agency and put into jail. Former CBI joint director Mr. Arun Kumar who was then heading the investigation accused those three men of committing the murders after trying to sexually assault Arushi. He claimed that Hemraj invited the other two for drinks at that night.
Mr. kumar left CBI last year and the investigation was continued by CBI Director Ashwini Kumar along with his new team headed by joint director Javed Ahmed. They gave a clear receipt to the servants. Present CBI Director A. P. Singh had been administrating the investigation since April, called on the closure of the file.

Talwar’s statements
Arushi Talwar, daughter of a dentist couple Mr. Rajesh Talwar and Mrs. Nupur Talwar. Father Dr. Rajesh Talwar was temporarily arrested by the police as it was reported that Mr. Talwar was having an affair with another dentist found out by Arushi. While it was reported by her father that Arushi was objected to her close relationship with the male servant.
Along with him three other men were arrested during the investigation, but they were freed due to lack of proof. They were Krishna, Dr Talwar's assistant in his dental practice; Raj Kumar, a servant of a family friend; and Vijay Mandal, a servant of the Talwar family's neighbours.
Mr. Rajesh Talwar and Mrs. Nupur Talwar, reported that they were blameless. "I'm completely devastated and shocked. I don't know what to do," Dr Talwar told Indian media, "I have not got justice for my daughter." They also told the Indian media that they would not give up. Aarushi's mother added "We are broken parents today."
The investigation by India’s federal detective agency, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was under process for two and a half years. But ultimately on Dec 29, Wednesday, they declared a closure of the case at a court in Ghaziabad near Delhi.
"The agency has filed a final report in the court for closure of the case on grounds of insufficient evidence," a CBI spokesperson said.
Arushi’s mobile phone was located after one year and three months approximately, but its memory had been deleted. Till now no murder weapon is found.
The local police managed to collect 26 fingerprints from the crime spot but 24 of them were reported to be spoiled due to faults in the investigation techniques. Detectives were also unable to yield any proof from a bloody handprint, a bottle of alcohol which was collected half drunk and also a shoe print found at the crime scene. Police were also condemned for some of their words expressed during the investigation.
Dr Talwar discarded the accusation while several women's and children's groups described the police claims as in bad taste.
Reports submitted by the CBI
June 1: CBI takes over the investigation
June 13: Krishna, domestic help of Talwar’s house was arrested
June 20: lie detection test of Rajesh Talwar, father of Arushi was conducted at CFSL, Delhi
June 25: Second lie detection test conducted on Nupur Talwar, mother of Arushi. First lie detection test conducted on her proved to be full of loopholes.
June 26: CBI announces the case to be a “blind case”. On the same date, Rajesh Talwar refused bail by the special magistrate in Ghaziabad.
July 3: Supreme Court rejects a PIL case which could defy the administration of nacro-analysis test on the accused in the case
July 12: Rajesh Talwar was bailed from Dasna Jail in Ghaziabad
Jan 5, 2010: CBI moves court to conduct nacro test on Arushi’s parents
Dec 29: CBI submits a closure report on the case. They give a clean chit to the servants and points out Arushi’s parents
Jan 25, 2011: Rajesh Talwar was attacked in the Ghaziabad court premise
Feb 9: Court takes cognizance of CBI reports. Also orders prosecution of Arushi’s parents with murder and destruction of evidence.
CBI Closure report
Magistrate Preeti Singh, in a 21 page order said: 'On the basis of evidences received from witnesses and available circumstantial evidences in the case diary, it was expected that the investigation officer could have filed a charge sheet against Dr. Rajesh and Dr. Nupur Talwar. In such cases, where the crime was committed within a house direct evidence is not expected.'
She also added, ‘Here it is also important to mention that CBI is the county's leading investigation agency in which the country's public has tremendous faith. In a case when any other investigation agency fails to investigate, then the CBI is assigned the job. In such cases it is expected from CBI by keeping up its high esteemed values to investigate and present such report before the court which is judicious on the basis of available evidences, but here in this CBI did not act accordingly, which is very much discouraging.’
In conclusion, the CBI special magistrate mentioned that 'the closure report submitted by the investigation officer is not logical if it fails to submit charge sheet in absence of evidence, while the indications from the sequence of events and available evidences on record are indicating towards Dr. Rajesh Talwar and Dr. Nupur Talwar to make them culprit prima facie.'
Recent court verdict
A special CBI Court today accused Rajesh and Nupur Talwar in the murder of their daughter Arushi. The court had earlier rejected the CBI’S closure report in the over two-year old double murder case. The CBI’s closure report in the Arushi murder case is converted into a charge sheet. A designated court in Ghaziabad on Wednesday called on Arushi’s parents as accused in their daughter’s murder.
Reviewing the charge sheet, Special Judicial Magistrate Preeti Singh ordered parents of Arushi to appear before the court on February 28. As the court rejected the CBI’s closure plan, Mr. Talwar and his wife was charged with felony under Section 302 (murder) and Section 201 (causing disappearance of evidence or giving false information to screen offender), along with Section 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code.
Opposing the petition against the closure report, counsel for the CBI said on Tuesday that though the findings pointed to the involvement of the parents in the murders, the agency had expressed its helplessness in prosecuting them on the grounds of “crucial and substantial” breaks in the chain of circumstances and insufficient evidence.
According to the CBI, the findings went against Aarushi's parents as there was hardly any possibility of the involvement of an outsider in the crime; the scene of crime was intensely dressed up; and no evidence was found against the three servants previously arrested in the case.
The report said the surgical cuts on the necks of the victims were done by professionally trained experts. “The entire data on Aarushi's mobile phone were deleted. A normal criminal would have had no need to do so,” it said. Dr. Talwar tried to mislead the Noida police by sending them in search of Hemraj, it alleged.